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What We Do


VALA (Vermont Assessors and Listers Association) is a nonprofit, professional membership organization comprised of municipal assessing officials and affiliates that are involved in the management of property assessment. VALA was founded in the 1970’s with an ever-growing membership of more than 200+ members. VALA is dedicated to meeting the needs of Vermont’s Assessors and Listers.
Our objectives are to train and educate to improve the standards of assessment. We provide a clearinghouse for the collection of information as well as a unified voice in the Vermont Legislature.
The VALA leadership is dedicated to improving the quality of assessment and professionalism in our local industry. As well as growing our presence in legislative affairs by working with local officials, state officials and state representatives to provide expert voice to state government on assessment issues.

​VALA has the following objectives:
  Train and educate to improve the standards of assessment
  Provide a clearinghouse for the collection of information
  Provide a unified voice in the Vermont Legislature

VALA activities include:
  Board of Directors Bi-Monthly Meeting *open to the public!*
  Annual Conference
  Publication – Minutes of Board Meetings
  Professional Recognition and Awards

  Educational Seminars/Workshops
  Bi-Yearly Newsletter​

Linda Sherman, President
Bob Quaderer, Vice President
Lisa Truchon, Treasurer

Justin Mason, Secretary

Disclaimer: We are in the process of migrating all the data from the old site. This will be done in stages.

© 2025 by Vermont Assessors and Listers Association

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