Vermont Assessors and Listers Association


​Legislative Committee
PURPOSE – The purpose of the Legislative Committee is to be the VALA legislative advocate for Listers and assessing individuals’ interests in the Vermont Legislature. The committee will make periodic reports at the Bi-Monthly Board Meetings and prepare an annual Legislative Program for the Annual Meeting.
MEETINGS – As needed.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS – Members of VALA who have the interest, experience, and the time for legislative advocacy in the Vermont Legislature. Current Members – Lisa Wright, Stacey Bradley, Cristina Tardie, Jeremiah Sund, Mimi Burstein, Linda Sherman, John Fike, Todd LeBlanc, Bob Quaderer, Ed Clodfelter
Education Committee
PURPOSE – The purpose of the VALA Education Committee is to facilitate Vermont Listers and Assessors with ongoing continuing educational and professional opportunities to meet the requirements of their profession.
MEETINGS – As needed.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS – Members of VALA who have the interest, experience, and the time to manage an effective education program. Current Members –
2025 Conference Committee
PURPOSE – Organize the 2025 Conference
MEETINGS – As needed.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS – Linda Sherman (Chair), Lisa Wright, Jeremiah Sund, Terri Sabens, Mimi Burstein, Susan Gulrajani, Phylliss Hayward, Lisa Truchon(Financial), Bob Quaderer(Web)